Enhanced Procedures

We understand the difficulties the COVID-19 outbreak could have on selling a home during this anxious and unprecedented time. We would like to stress that the safety of our staff and clientele is a priority at all times, and The Staging House (TSH) has always had high standards for the cleanliness of our inventory and warehouse. We would like you to have confidence that The Staging House is a ‘people first’ business, and we are taking extra measures for your safety and the safety of our staff.

We have implemented the following enhanced procedures and modified services to do our best to protect everyone and help you navigate through these uncertain times:

  • Occupied Staging Consultations are available through FaceTime or Zoom meeting.
  • A staging information package drop-off or mail service is available to homeowners considering a consultation but are holding off due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Vacant walk-through appointments are being conducted with enhanced cleaning protocol on touch points (door handles, lockbox, light switches).
  • Vacant Staging (no occupants and no furniture or belongings) IS available with an enhanced cleaning protocol and request that no owners, agents, trades or photographers be onsite.
  • Occupied stages are on hold unless the home has been vacant for 72 hours and received a professional deep cleaning prior to TSH arriving.
  • De-staging on properties sold final, will occur as soon as homeowner and TSH can arrange so inventory can receive an appropriate cleaning and holding period before being brought into another home.
  • Enhanced cleaning protocol will be conducted with all services. This includes:
    • Disinfecting (Lysol wipes) all surrounding surfaces and touch points (door handles, lockbox, counter tops and taps etc) before and after a stage or de-stage.
    • Furniture and accessories will receive an extra wipe down and/or spray with disinfectant and have a minimum 72 hour holding period before going back on the shelves, or going into another home.
    • Gloves and masks will be worn. Hand sanitizer and hand soap is always on-site.
    • Requesting full disclosure from clients and homeowners regarding symptoms or people showing symptoms they have been in contact with, or that have entered the home.
    • Requesting full disclosure from staff regarding symptoms, family members showing symptoms or have been in contact with someone showing symptoms.
    • Frequent hand washing is always practiced at TSH.